Government considers social bubbles as it plans for stage two

Government considers social bubbles as it plans for stage two

The government is considering expanding the limit of social bubbles as it looks ahead to the second stage of lifting public health restrictions.

Health Minister Christine Elliott revealed in the government's daily press briefing that the subject of expanded social "bubbles" is receiving consideration. Currently, Ontarians are prohibited from attending social gatherings with more than five people, unless they're all members of a single household.

"We want to be able to expand that as we expand our economy, to expand our society as well," said the minister, an acknowledgement of the social costs Ontarians have paid during the pandemic. "We are looking at what the appropriate number is that's something that Dr. [David] Williams and the Health Command table is discussing, as we're discussing amongst our group of cabinet members and caucus members as well."

But lifting the restrictions comes with careful health-based considerations too, she added. "It is a very important public health principle, however, that when you do start expanding, you do so gradually. Because if you do limit the number of people that you can associate with without physically distancing yourself, then if something happens if there is a breakout, if someone does contract or come down with COVID-19, then the contact tracing is going to be much easier."

The minister's comments about broadening social circles came as the premier as been giving growing hints of optimism about the second stage of lifting public health restrictions. That includes considering opening more workplaces and public spaces while continuing protections for vulnerable populations and allowing some larger public gatherings, according to the Ministry of Health outline.

Premier Doug Ford suggested that it's a top-of-mind issue at the moment and that an announcement on the subject could be around the corner. "It's [at the] front of the health table right now and, hopefully, over the next week we'll be able to discuss that with the people of Ontario," he said on Wednesday afternoon.

Shifting public health standards have not always been easy to communicate. A week and a half ago the premier called out some Torontonians for gathering at Trinity-Bellwoods Park during the first nice Saturday of the year. The crowded assembly occurred after some public health restrictions had been lifted.

The premier has struggled with abiding by the letter of the law and current public health guidance at times himself, making a trip to his cottage when he implored other Ontarians not to and having his family of six gathered for Mother's Day, although two do not live with him.

But the premier suggested that he is still inclined to pursue a nuanced lifting of public health restrictions, including a regional approach for stage 2.

Asked if outbreaks among migrant workers in parts of rural Ontario would slow the considered regional opening, Ford downplayed the possibility. "No, it's not gonna affect that, because when we know the areas that is happening in and in congregate living and a lot of these farms that they've had for years there, it shouldn't affect the rest of the community."

Elliott added that modelling is being done to project scenarios before the government launches into stage 2, and that when the "appropriate time comes" those numbers will be shared "in an open and transparent manner."

David Hains

QP Briefing Reporter

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